“ENEMY FOR SALE” – an excellent Russian reportage about the politics and history of Russo-Polish relations

“Relations between Russia and Poland have a very complicated history. At the same time, enemies Russia always tried to use the Poles as anti-Russian shock troops.
But there was a period in our common history which showed the clear and simple truth that Poland and Russia can be friends, and that a strong and independent Poland is not a problem for Russia, but an important factor in our common security.
This was the period after the Second World War when Stalin gave Poland its current borders and access to the sea.”

Nikolai Starikov’s comment at 23:48 minute.

This TV reportage from TVCenter was posted on Youtube on 25.05.2015 and is entitled Враг по расчету”

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Posted on 31.05.2015 at Nicolai Starikov’s Blog

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